PK 2RZ؋Nv u bs-parallax.cccomp PK RGd component.json{"UUID":"6167cbb7-700d-423b-b78b-a013e447c53c","additional_states":{"Container":{"outofview":{"character":".","name":"Out of View","value":"outofview"}},"HTML Element":{"outofview":{"character":".","name":"Out of View","value":"outofview"}},"Heading 3":{"outofview":{"character":".","name":"Out of View","value":"outofview"}},"Paragraph":{"outofview":{"character":".","name":"Out of View","value":"outofview"}}},"appBuildInfo":"RSD 5.0.3479","appId":"RSD","appVersion":3479,"buildNumber":5939,"component_resources":{"classes":7,"file_sizes_values":[941578,0,0],"file_type_values":[3,0,0],"html_elements":1,"ids":0,"links_external":0,"links_internal":0,"local_files":"3 (local size 919,51 kB)","styled_breakpoints":""},"description":"Your component description","element_name":"Container","framework":"bootstrap4","html":"
One of the spectacular sunsets.
This component has two images that have been added by attributes, not by the ordinary way as background or inline images. Therefore, you won't see them while working with the file in 'working mode' in SD (In preview you will see them). Certain Project Resources, like the images added by attributes and the js file, would normally get excluded from the component. The weird code in the hidden HTML element is just to force those Project Resources to be included.
If you download the component and store it in your programme as a component, I'd advise you to keep the hidden HTML element, just in case that you also may want to make it into a component some time. But if you just want to use it in a site, you can delete the hidden element, as it has already done what it was there for. (Continues below the picture)
The famous Siren Rocks just off the coast.
When changing out the images to use your own, it is important to have them in an aspect ratio where the height of the pic is more than the height of the .parallax-window. Here that window has a height of 500px. It can be changed to a bit more or less, but the parallax won't have 'anything to work with' if the images have the same height. I often use up to 1:1 pics, here it suffices with 1:0.7.
The text on top of the images, which is white when seen in a browser, have been left black here, so that it can be easily spotted when working in SD with the project. If the text is not needed, it can be removed by deleting the container .blurb. It is also possible to add more image sections by duplicating the container '.parallax-window'. More paragraphs for text space can also be added between the images.