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Orbit Slideshow

Orbit Slideshow

Orbit is the name of the Foundation slider. Depending on the size and quality of your images, you can set it to cover a small part of a web page , or the whole width 'wall-to-wall'.

Slides can be added by duplicating one of the 'list item containers'. If you add - or remove - slides, you also need to adjust the number of the indication bullets. Or, if you don't want those bullets, you can delete the container .orbit-bullets.

With the upgrade to the 6.6.3 version of Foundation we are now able to create variations of the basic Orbit slider. Two such variations are included, the vertical and the fade options. 

A new variation has been added: Orbit Fade with captions. Just  place a container below each picture and give it the class name .orbit-caption. Then place a header or a paragraph inside it. The default look can be edited.

To be able to build those variations, you need to have Site Designer 4.0.3285 or later.

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Download the Orbit Slider component

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Download the Orbit Vertical component

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Download the Orbit Fade component

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Download the Orbit Fade with captions