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Reveal Card

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The 'Cupcake' church in Saint Petersburg

A picture taken during a trip to Russia in 2015. Read more...

Church of Saint John the Baptist

A small Russian Orthodox church at the outskirts of St. Petersburg. It was built in 1780 at the direction of Empress Catherine the Great as a memorial of the Russian victory over Turkey in the Russian-Turkish war 1768-74. It is locally called the 'Chesme Church', because that victory took place near the Turkish town of Cesme. Since it was consecrated and inaugurated on St. John the Baptist's birthday (June 24th), it was named after him.

Reveal Card

The back of this card is contained in the class .card-reveal. It has been set to overflow: hidden. For editing purposes the overflow has to be temporarily changed to visible.

A smart tip is to edit the card backside before any content is placed below the card.  However, if you already have some contents there, it can be hidden by changing the visibility to hidden. Just remember to change any temporary settings back when done.

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