My Component Shop

#img anchor

Images, sliders, galleries

Round Image
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Image Changing
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Shaped Images
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Image Variations
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Optimal Image Sizes
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Magnifying Glass
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Orbit Slideshow
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Crossfade Slider
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Slide in - Then What?
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Crossfade Gallery
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Tabbed Gallery
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Easy Modal Gallery
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Reveal Gallery
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Batch Drop Gallery
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Lightbox Gallery
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Another Lightbox Gallery
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Filtered Gallery
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CSS Grid Gallery
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#txt anchor

Text effects

Text/Image Translucency
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Spinning Text
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Cut-Out Text
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Rainbow Text
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Hero Heading
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Simple Nav
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Glass Menu
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Vertical Menu
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Sticky Vertical Menu
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Mega Menu
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2 Easy Mega Menus
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Dropdown Menu
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Resp. Dropdown Menu
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Subnav in Dropdowns
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Hamburger Menu
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Details/Summary Nav
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Drilldown Menu
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Easy Drilldown Menu
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Tab Navigation
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Sticky Shrinknav
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#cards anchor

Cards, layouts

Basic Cards
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Horizontal Cards
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Reveal Card
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Flip Card
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Simple Quote
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Footer w/Year Update
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Multiple Columns
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Target Pseudo Class
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The Target goes to Itself
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Article w/Floated Images
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Shaped Clipping
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Details / Summary Classes
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Masonry Gallery
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Side-by-Side Backgr. Images
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#forms anchor

Forms, tables

Basic Form
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Contact Form
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Collapsible Table
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Glossay Table
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Zebra Striped Table
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Responsive Table
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#php anchor

Tooling up for PHP

The Missing Chapter Part 1
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The Missing Chapter Part 2
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PHP Includes Part 1
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PHP Includes Part 2
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CSS Quiz
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#drop anchor

Dropdowns, buttons

Dropdown Button
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Dropdown with Image
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More Dropdowns
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Standard Buttons
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Button groups
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Custom Buttons
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Click to see details
Read More/Less Button
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Scroll to Top Button
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Social Icons
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#misc anchor


Alert / Callout
Collapsible Alert
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Count-Down Script
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Years Completed
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Animated Menu Icon
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Audio Player w/ Playlist
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Parallax Effect
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Full Parallax
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CSS Parallax
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Video Scroller
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Background Video
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Content-size Videos
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