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Batch Drop Gallery

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Batch Drop Gallery

Lots of pictures of all shapes and sizes can be added in one go to this gallery by dragging and dropping them onto the canvas. The image above is a screen-shot of the component.

Below these notes is a screen-shot of the Site Designer canvas, where you will find a label explaining the most important steps you need to take when creating the gallery. It will disapear from the view when you preview your work in a browser.

The top of the gallery can be edited to hold your own logo, text or buttons.The blue background colour can be changed to match the colour scheme of your site. The colour of the borders and the buttons (if you need them) have to be changed separately.

There is a version where you can add your description to the images. Handy if you want to tell a story. The other version picks up the file names. It can be useful if someone wants to buy images and just wants to tell you which ones.

If you forget to click on the blue background before adding images, you risk that the images go below the blue and into the page body. Just delete those images and try again.

Placeholder Picture

Download the component displaying custom text

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Download the component displaying file names

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Download the component displaying custom text

Placeholder Picture

Download the component displaying file names

Placeholder Picture