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Responsive Table

ID Book title Author Genre Publ.year Lang.
001 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Mark Twain Children's novel 1876 EN
002 Maigret à Vichy Georges Simenon Crime fiction 1968 FR
003 Robert Burns, Selected Poems W. Beattie & H.W. Meikle Poetry 1946 EN
004 A Walk in the Woods Bill Bryson Travel 1997 EN
005 Die Blechtrommel Günter Grass Novel 1959 DE
006 The Secret Garden Frances Hodgson Burnett Children's novel 1911 EN
The table displays the entries horizontally on wide screens and turns them to vertical for phone size screens. The width of the table can be limited by putting a wrapper around it. Otherwise it will spread out to cover the whole wiewport width. Make more columns by duplicating and editing an existing one. It can be used for a wide range of 'collections', like e.g. this home library.

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